Singer, composer and music arranger ( Rabeh Saqer ) is a masterful Oud player, husband and father of three ( two boys and a girl )
Rabeh Saqer was passionate about music in an early stages of his life.
In the beginning he learned how to play a music instrument which was the Oud. He was very talented in music, and the people around him noticed his talent then they introduced him to the best artists present in the scene at that time.
They helped him to began his journey in music world because they
believed in him especially ( Talal Madah ) then he made his own way by him self, because he is a real artist. He was composing and singing with a great sense. His first album was released when he was almost 15 years old and he was the composer of it.
After a little while and because of his great sense of music a new
talent appeared which is arranging music and he was and still very creative in it.
Since then, Rabeh became on of the big and distinctive names in the music industry.
His name became connected to music so, when you hear his name you
know that there is something new about music. Lately he created his own mix of gulf area beats and western beats ( Rhythms ) not to mention that he was the first Arabian artist using western music in his songs and that was back in the 90s.
( His artistic career was taken step by step that's why he became successful )
( His music is international by testimony of the people whose interested in music )
Last but not least I can't cut short this artist career by these simple words, but
I hope that I gave you a clear idea about the talented artist ( Rabeh Saqer )
عندليب الخليج رابح صقر أو كما يطلق عليه فنان الوطن
هو مطرب سعودي من المنطقة الشرقية تحديدا من مدينة الإحساء، إسمه الحقيقي عيسى صالح الصقر وهو أب لثلاث أطفال ولدان وبنت. هذا الفنان الذي سطر مسيرته بالنجاحات والإبداع سلك طريق النجومية وإعتلى أعلى مراتبها، فنان يمتلك موهبة التلحين والأداء والتوزيع الموسيقي وهي موهبة إستغلها أحسن إستغلال لكي يصل إلى ماهو عليه الأن بعد مسيرة دامت أكثر من 25 سنة تحدى فيها كل المعوقات والصعوبات التي واجهته خلال مشواره الفني. كانت بداية الصقر الرابح بداية صعبة على شاب يافع قادم من الساحل الشرقي إعتمد على موهبته فقط
الفنان الراحل طلال مداح له دور كبير في حياة رابح صقر حيث أعجب بهذا الشاب اليافع وأمن بموهبته وبحسه الموسيقي، فقدمه للساحة الفنية بطريقته الخاصة لانه يعلم بأن هناك فنان حقيقي قادم إلى الساحة الفنية بكل قوة. فأطلق باكورة أعماله في عام 1982 وهو ألبوم يانسيم الليل الذي كان إعلان عن قدوم موهبة موسيقية رائعة للساحة الفنية السعودية وا