Hi everyone , Welcome to HTB - HiTech BABAJI High Tech Baba Ji --- "Simply WATCH & LEARN" This youtube channel is going to provide you all the study materials, video lectures required for IES, PSUs, DRDO, ISRO, BARC, NTPC, Railways and GATE preparation. So, sit tight and stay tuned for most important topics. Keep visiting HTB & don't forget to subscribe this channel.
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For any inquiry, queries please contact us at hitechbabaji.com@gmail.com
Team : HiTech BABAJi
#HTB -
#High Tech Baba Ji
#exam#Resistor, #resistors, #what_is_a_resistor, #resistor_color_code, #resistors_types, #resistor_for_led, #resistor_applications,
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Hi everyone , Welcome to HTB - HiTech BABAJI High Tech Baba Ji --- "Simply WATCH & LEARN" This youtube channel is going to provide you all the study materials, video lectures required for IES, PSUs, DRDO, ISRO, BARC, NTPC, Railways and GATE preparation. So, sit tight and stay tuned for most important topics. Keep visiting HTB & don't forget to subscribe this channel.
Thank You
For any inquiry, queries please contact us at hitechbabaji.com@gmail.com
Team : HiTech BABAJi
#HTB -
#High Tech Baba Ji
#exam#Resistor, #resistors, #what_is_a_resistor, #resistor_color_code, #resistors_types, #resistor_for_led, #resistor_applications,
Please donate to support this channel --PayTM: 6387903161