It is a Marathi language stand up comedy reality show where popular Marathi actors and professional comedians perform skits on stage. Skits' duration is around 12 to 15 minutes. First of all host of show (Prajakta Mali) briefly introduces subject of skit to audience & Judges (Prasad Oak, Sai Tamhankar). Then all comedians perform their act (skit). Judges give them comments as per their performances. As this show has been extremely popular, many celebrities too use this platform for promoting their films, dramas and webseries & they also take part in skit as guest performer.
It is a Marathi language stand up comedy reality show where popular Marathi actors and professional comedians perform skits on stage. Skits' duration is around 12 to 15 minutes. First of all host of show (Prajakta Mali) briefly introduces subject of skit to audience & Judges (Prasad Oak, Sai Tamhankar). Then all comedians perform their act (skit). Judges give them comments as per their performances. As this show has been extremely popular, many celebrities too use this platform for promoting their films, dramas and webseries & they also take part in skit as guest performer.