Cole's Wild Bird Products Company is a true mom and pop success story. The mission is to create the absolute best bird feed on the market. Cole's makes a wide variety of wild bird products, including top quality bird seed, speciality suet cakes, and even blends specially designed for all types of critters. Richard and Nancy Cole started the company back in the 1980's right out of their garage. Richard developed Cole's out of a passion to attract all types of wild birds to the family's feeders. When he couldn't find a top quality seed that had everything the birds wanted, he created one. Friends and family were soon buying Richard's special blends of high quality seed. The demand grew into an international company. Today, just like decades ago, the company's main goal is to create the highest quality bird seed on the market. The Cole's are committed to selling the brand in small specialty stores, where quality is appreciated. To find out more, please visit,