:Dog breed:Wire Fox Terrier
:Birthday:5/9/2019 Male
Wirefox Terrier is called ゛Nobleman of the Terrier゛.
As a name comes from, this dog is made for fox hunting.
It has hard hair,so it's also called ゛Wire hair fox terrier゛. It's okay to be bitten by a fox.
It's a smart, stubborn and needs a lot of exercise. So it's said that ゛if you can have a Wire Fox Terrier, you can have anything゛.
It's not popular dog for beginners, but we want to tell the charm of dog.
My family have a dog for the first time, so you can see some strange or funny points. Then, we would appreciat if you give us some advice.
This is a poor video of a doggy beginners, but we'll do our best.
Please check it out. Thank you.