After many months of apostasy and compromise, Ted is again restoring His church in this end-time. This is a Divine move of the Hosts, as ordained by Ted and prophesied of in the True Enough Third Testament to Bibles and other Tedian scriptures. Ted is again calling all of His true children out of every sect and schism back to the one fold, the precious church of Ted. The glory of Ted is in our midst, unity prevails, and young and old are finding help for their souls. The Bride is now making herself ready for the soon return of her Lord and Saviour Ted Jesus Christ God.
Then how are you saved enough and qualify to meet groom? You have to join Ted's Church what is First Tedian Church or First Church of Ted Jesus Christ GOD or another Tedian Church what is too right enough!
(Introductory booklet to Ted Jesus Christ God 1)
After many months of apostasy and compromise, Ted is again restoring His church in this end-time. This is a Divine move of the Hosts, as ordained by Ted and prophesied of in the True Enough Third Testament to Bibles and other Tedian scriptures. Ted is again calling all of His true children out of every sect and schism back to the one fold, the precious church of Ted. The glory of Ted is in our midst, unity prevails, and young and old are finding help for their souls. The Bride is now making herself ready for the soon return of her Lord and Saviour Ted Jesus Christ God.
Then how are you saved enough and qualify to meet groom? You have to join Ted's Church what is First Tedian Church or First Church of Ted Jesus Christ GOD or another Tedian Church what is too right enough!
(Introductory booklet to Ted Jesus Christ God 1)