Hello and welcome to the Magical World of the Enchanted Boa Siriani, a spiritual being known by the Huni Kuin people from the Amazon rainforest.
I am Minna, a Finnish medicine woman married to Rua Inu, a leader of the Huni Kuin community at Boa Vista village in Jordão, Acre, Brazil. My artist name is Txana Siriani, and on this channel I share teachings of the nature of life that I am learning from Siriani and other beings. My mission & purpose is to share stories and songs that help us reconnect with nature so that we can embrace our humanness, claim our place in this grand creation, and meet life courageously and authentically.
This space is living & evolving. May you find something here that supports you.
With Love,
Txana Siriani
(P.S. Note: my guitar is often tuned to 432 Hz.)