This Youtube channel is to inspire and uplift anyone who has ever felt broken. Stories and music that bring light to our dark world. I started this journey of sharing our experiences through our healing with the hope to save just one. If one person could change the course of their life because of our tragedy, than opening up my heart would all be worth it. If one family was saved by hearing about what an affair and a gun could do, than my life would have a purpose. What i didn't realize, as I published the first post on my blog, was that the one I would be was saving was myself. I didn't even know how broken I was, until I faced the pain. I graduated from Utah State with a degree in Human Development with the hope of helping others through their struggles, but I have helped more through my own struggles. We are real, we are raw, and we share what is in our hearts. Life is hard. I will not sugar coat that, but even after broken . . . life is possible. We are survivors. We will stand.