Hello Gardeners!
My name is Bram.
I love gardening. I do it everyday. (luckily I live in the tropics)
I like to experiment with different methods of gardening and find out which method works best for me.
Gardening is a great deal of fun.
Experimenting in a garden can increase the level of fun.
There is no one right way to garden. .
This depends also partially on the climate we are in.
The aim of this channel is to have an open minded freely engaging exchange of gardening ideas.
Where some ideas might have a scietific basis but others might not.
On this channel there is room for both and my aim is to provide room for both.
A good idea is a good idea regardless of scientific evidence.
Sometimes the science can lack behind in its proving.
Dont get me wrong I am a science nerd, but I believe we odd the be openminded for every gardening tip.
#ExperimentalGardener #GardenTips #GardenTricks #OpenmindedGardener #HowToGarden