Music from a variety of sources. My only wish with this channel is to share the music I cherish with everyone else in the world. I want to make it clear that I lay no claim to any of the original content you find on this channel. All the music you will find here belongs solely to their original creators. That being said, I must insist that any of you who enjoy this music please support the actual artists themselves by buying their official soundtracks.
Thank you.
Please, if you want any videos removed from this channel, instead of filling out a DMCA notice, just message me instead, and I will remove them ASAP. It was never my intention to infringe on any copyrights, so please, just bring whatever complaints and problems you may have to my attention, and I will do whatever is necessary to rectify them. Thank you.
Artwork Wallpaper - "fire flower"
by Vasilisa @ deviantart(dot)com