, the web site of the Kettle Pond Institute for Debt-Free Money, exists to promote education and discussion of the relationship between the monetary system (how we create our money) and the stability of the economy.
Specifically, we advocate:
repeal of the current monetary system, which creates money as debt by the Federal Reserve and private banks, and
a return of the money creation power to the federal government of the United States where the Constitution places it.
Under the monetary system we advocate, the US Treasury will create our money debt-free and spend it into the economy. The banks, relieved of the task of money creation, will be free to concentrate on the business of banking again., the web site of the Kettle Pond Institute for Debt-Free Money, exists to promote education and discussion of the relationship between the monetary system (how we create our money) and the stability of the economy.
Specifically, we advocate:
repeal of the current monetary system, which creates money as debt by the Federal Reserve and private banks, and
a return of the money creation power to the federal government of the United States where the Constitution places it.
Under the monetary system we advocate, the US Treasury will create our money debt-free and spend it into the economy. The banks, relieved of the task of money creation, will be free to concentrate on the business of banking again.