Lucky Lou and Coco Too is a channel dedicated to our rescue and rehomed parrots. All of them belong to me (Danita). Coco is undoubtably the star of the page, but all the others are just as special.
Coco has been featured on The Dodo twice and numerous other pet publications.
Coco came to me with her best friend Lucky Lou. Sadly Lucky Lou passed away a year later from lung disease.
I post videos of my crazy life, which is go go go go. There is never a dull moment here, it is like living with 7 toddlers.
The stars Coco, Izzy, Cookie, ROO, Duncan, Kiwi, Newman and Cyd!
Mama is a frazzled animal lover who operates a parrot supply businesses, Things for Wings, Avian Organics, and a forum Avian Avenue.