識條鐵、識條鍊嘅廚子! 一個對廚藝係識條鐵、識條鍊嘅一家之煮,膽粗粗班門弄斧,同大家分享飲飲食食!千祈唔好以專業廚師水準來睇我,完全唔係果皮,誠意搭夠啦😅!
我較鍾意煮西式食物,師承 Jamie Oliver,但佢唔識我呢個徒弟,我煮西餐係由睇佢啲煮嘢 DVD 開始,睇吓學吓跟吓,又發覺唔難學,煮好左仲相當 ok,依家都經常上堂即係翻睇佢啲 DVDs、書、佢 YouTube channels !😅
整麵包我亦相當熟手,自從培養左啲 sourdough starters 成功之後,每星期都焗麵包供應全家。
I have never been trained as a professional chef but I love cooking as a leisure hobby.
I love cooking western dishes, Jamie Oliver is my "teacher" but he never knew me, I started to cook western food when I started to watch his DVD. I followed him to cook and found it not so difficult and result was very good. Even now, I keep on learning by watching his DVDs, books and his YouTube channels. 😅
Since I have successfully cultivated my own sourdough starters, I have been baking breads every week for my whole family.
I also cook traditional Hong Kong family style Chinese dishes, my family love my cooking.
Please support my work for this channel.