我的频道分享Stock market from a scientist's view. 以股会友结识股市有缘人,股票推荐与教学,虎牛帮你找到财富密码,指引股市交易稳定盈利之路。交易是一件很简单和快乐的事情。兵无常势,水无常形,因敌变化而取胜者,谓之神。神即道,道法自然,如来。
discord channel: discord.gg/UUMGNRYqTT
or 7 day expiration address discord.gg/pe3CFdgu, Welcome to join!
对技术分析TA和期权Option trarding课程及实盘操作群感兴趣的朋友可以联系tigerniu2017@gmail.com, 加我微信ID是tigerniu2017,在我的discord channel内的学习班报名频道也有详情。
Tigerniu's investment and trading channel
Your time and money are precious, so I would like to share with you how to make stock, option and futures trading simple and easy. My channel will discuss Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis, Event and News Analysis. I have 10 years of trading experiences in Stock, Option, Futures market.
我的频道分享Stock market from a scientist's view. 以股会友结识股市有缘人,股票推荐与教学,虎牛帮你找到财富密码,指引股市交易稳定盈利之路。交易是一件很简单和快乐的事情。兵无常势,水无常形,因敌变化而取胜者,谓之神。神即道,道法自然,如来。
discord channel: discord.gg/UUMGNRYqTT
or 7 day expiration address discord.gg/pe3CFdgu, Welcome to join!
对技术分析TA和期权Option trarding课程及实盘操作群感兴趣的朋友可以联系tigerniu2017@gmail.com, 加我微信ID是tigerniu2017,在我的discord channel内的学习班报名频道也有详情。
Tigerniu's investment and trading channel
Your time and money are precious, so I would like to share with you how to make stock, option and futures trading simple and easy. My channel will discuss Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis, Event and News Analysis. I have 10 years of trading experiences in Stock, Option, Futures market.