Learn to facet gemstones. See how to identify problems with rough stones and solutions to cut them. Gem cutters use three main cutting styles to create faceted stones: brilliant cuts, step cuts, and mixed cuts. The three most basic styles are brilliant, step, and mixed. The most popular faceted gemstone cuts or shapes are: round, oval, pear, emerald, rectangle, trilliant, cushion, heart, square, princess, radiant, triangle, and trilliant for faceted colored gemstones . What are the best facet designs for novice gem cutters?
This brilliance of gemstones is revealed through a lapidary process called faceting, a process of cutting and polishing flat surfaces on gemstone rough to create a stunning play of light and color. The skill and experience of the gemstone cutter also known as a lapidary greatly influence the final quality and value of a faceted gemstone. Gemstone faceting is an amazing process that transforms rough gems into dazzling jewels.