This channel is about dumpster diving in Germany. We are only choosing dumpsters which are accessible by public and not protected by locks. We do this because we think that too much food is thrown, only because of minor damages or expiry dates. Since we don't want to endanger our current jobs, we decided to not show our faces at the moment.
Dorfmausie's Dumpster Rule :
1. Dumpster dive at your own risk
2. Always use disinfectant / alcohol after diving and/or wear gloves.
3. Always check for "best before" and "use-by" dates.
4. Always be as quiet as possible, to avoid trouble with the police.
5. Never take any meat which was directly exposed to other trash.
6. Always leave the the place as clean as you found it.
7. Wash the collected items before placing them into fridge/freezer/pantry. Place fruits/vegetables in a water bath with baking powder and vinegar for 20 minutes. This will remove dirt and traces of chemicals.
This channel is about dumpster diving in Germany. We are only choosing dumpsters which are accessible by public and not protected by locks. We do this because we think that too much food is thrown, only because of minor damages or expiry dates. Since we don't want to endanger our current jobs, we decided to not show our faces at the moment.
Dorfmausie's Dumpster Rule :
1. Dumpster dive at your own risk
2. Always use disinfectant / alcohol after diving and/or wear gloves.
3. Always check for "best before" and "use-by" dates.
4. Always be as quiet as possible, to avoid trouble with the police.
5. Never take any meat which was directly exposed to other trash.
6. Always leave the the place as clean as you found it.
7. Wash the collected items before placing them into fridge/freezer/pantry. Place fruits/vegetables in a water bath with baking powder and vinegar for 20 minutes. This will remove dirt and traces of chemicals.