Haven't updates this part in a while so I guess I'll start now. So this channel is mainly gaming now and if you want you can check out the channels on the right side with some channels inside the panel to see some of my friends and some of my other channels. Thanks for stopping by and if you love my content, subscribe :)
5,000 Total views - 5/23/13
9,001 Total views - 7/8/13
50 Subscribers - 7/9/13
10,000 Total views - 7/19/13
100 Subscribers - 9/22/13 YEAA
20,000 Total Views - 10/9/13
200 Subscribers - 12/30/13
300 Subscribers - 4/16/14
65,000 Total Views 5/1/14
400 Subscribers - 3/1/15
100,000 Total Views - 2/14/15
Haven't updates this part in a while so I guess I'll start now. So this channel is mainly gaming now and if you want you can check out the channels on the right side with some channels inside the panel to see some of my friends and some of my other channels. Thanks for stopping by and if you love my content, subscribe :)
5,000 Total views - 5/23/13
9,001 Total views - 7/8/13
50 Subscribers - 7/9/13
10,000 Total views - 7/19/13
100 Subscribers - 9/22/13 YEAA
20,000 Total Views - 10/9/13
200 Subscribers - 12/30/13
300 Subscribers - 4/16/14
65,000 Total Views 5/1/14
400 Subscribers - 3/1/15
100,000 Total Views - 2/14/15