Singers, Here's How to Make Cover Songs REALLY Stand Out
Singing popular cover song YouTube Shorts are vertical videos that are 60 seconds or less in length. Shorts can be a 60-second continuous video or several 15-second videos combined. However, if your Short uses music from the YouTube catalog, your Short will be limited to 15-seconds only. My You tube channel name ..... YOU TUBE BABA 💪💪💪😛MY SHORT VIDEO ALL GUYS SUBSCRIBE MY CHANNEL
Singers, Here's How to Make Cover Songs REALLY Stand Out
Singing popular cover song YouTube Shorts are vertical videos that are 60 seconds or less in length. Shorts can be a 60-second continuous video or several 15-second videos combined. However, if your Short uses music from the YouTube catalog, your Short will be limited to 15-seconds only. My You tube channel name ..... YOU TUBE BABA 💪💪💪😛MY SHORT VIDEO ALL GUYS SUBSCRIBE MY CHANNEL