My channel is a mix of different things and has been on since utube started, roughly 2008 upto present day. I make vids as a hobby mostly to help others and it’s me on my own doing everything, filming, editing, doing, researching and talking on all my vids.
I’m a passionate small holder farmer, an old school agricultural mechanic who can fixing various vehicles, or adapt old ones. I’m a very keen metal detectorist who has been detecting for decades and absolutely love it to bits.
I have an eye condition ( retinitis pigmentosa ) and that means I’m eventually going to be blind but I try to carry on in a positive way through it all as you see in my vids.
lately I’ve been helping the uk farming community by posting factual videos debunking the preposterous anti farming rhetoric that seems to be spreading online during the last few years. I have to be honest in saying I’ve really enjoyed the feedback and debate off the subscribers ( new and old ) 😊👌