G'day, Welcome to my youtube Channel.
Here is a mix of videos that have inspired me to share my experiences, mistakes and knowledge with you all.
Not after failing many many times can one say that they are a worthy Teacher of anything in life.
Whats that saying, "You have to do something for a 1000 hours to become good at Anything".
WELL with that analogy here is a fraction of my 1000 hours of learning or more likely my mistakes.
With the birth My lovely little Daughter Matilda she has inspired me to document our experiences togetherto raise some Chicks from hatching them from an egg and taking of a little family of Guinea Pigs.
Take a look at my own personal journey into Malting and making Gluten free beer.
Or another Passion Keeping Native Stingless Bees take a look at my Videos on how I go about keeping bees in my backyard.
Anyone who knows me Knows I love growing my own produce and keeping chickens.
So come share in my Mistakes and triumphs in this here Life.