When you accept and tune into the soul frequency, you begin to embody the ideals for self-actualization that are the center of my own spiritual practice. For me, there is a beautiful spiritual nature to all of life, and I personally express my own frequency through conscious parenting, unschooling, radical love and forgiveness, and a continuing practice of reminding myself to JUST. LET. GO.
I offer videos about hypnosis, unconventional family life, radical change, and healing sexual and other life trauma.
I am so grateful that you are here.
Love, Jean
When we are in our Divinity, we are:
Self-Responsible, Self-Aware, Unlimited, Open and Receptive, Non-Judgmental, Present-Moment Oriented, Internally Attuned, Emotionally Non-Reactive, Highest Energy, Creative, Resilient, Powerfully Present
Learn more about my work: www.soulfrequency.net