Fortnite nickname: ol33kXD
Please invite me to play, I would appreciate it!
Hello guys. I used to sometimes post videos and shorts there but now I think it is over for now. I won't delete my content but there won't be probably more of it on this channel. It was an long journey to achieve what I've got now, and now I have to leave it at some point. Thanks to everyone who were supporting channel. You would maybe see some of my comments on your page, they gain quite a lot likes... sometimes. I wasn't recording since half of the 2024, and now I inform this state won't probably change. Goodbye, we'll maybe see in future. Maybe... who knows what 2025 will bring.
Subscribe channels below! Happy 2025!
Fortnite nickname: ol33kXD
Please invite me to play, I would appreciate it!
Hello guys. I used to sometimes post videos and shorts there but now I think it is over for now. I won't delete my content but there won't be probably more of it on this channel. It was an long journey to achieve what I've got now, and now I have to leave it at some point. Thanks to everyone who were supporting channel. You would maybe see some of my comments on your page, they gain quite a lot likes... sometimes. I wasn't recording since half of the 2024, and now I inform this state won't probably change. Goodbye, we'll maybe see in future. Maybe... who knows what 2025 will bring.
Subscribe channels below! Happy 2025!