Make JESUS CHRIST your LORD and SAVIOR--NOW.**You do NOT know the day you will die (be READY). ***JESUS CHRIST will SAVE you from ETERNITY in hell.****
JESUS said: "...whoever comes to ME I will never cast out." (John 6:37)
JESUS CHRIST's genealogy INCLUDES ALL types: swindlers, murderers, sex workers, etc.
**No matter what you have done, HE Will FORGIVE you IF you sincerely REPENT***
****JESUS CHRIST**HIS existence and the BIBLE’S veracity = PROVEN bY:
2) ATHEISTs[former]-Lee Strobel: Case For Christ (investigative journalist--tried to disprove God's existence)
3) MATHEMATICS: see John KoStic--God Math 1 3 7**Ivan Nikolayevich PAnin--patterns in Hebrew & Greek Bible
4) LAW: Examination of the Testimony of the Four Evangelists-by Simon Greenleaf, LL.D.
5) ASTRONOMY: Witness of the Stars--by E.W.Bullinger
7) HISTORY: archaeological findings