Welcome to Russ Parrish approved unofficial fan-vids page. Fan-vids are awesome always! I've been to SP show about 666 times now. I dig how they have been enhanced their talents by the main man, Satchel's improvisation skill. I would say their show is in a theatrical esque rather calling them one of the cheesiest Hair Metal tributes in Tinseltown.
sTEELpANTHER101 hasn't missed any months or any seasons during their 1st residency at the Key Club. What a whole effin’ year of metal moments!!
If you take a look at the home video linked below, (it’s gone somehow) even a GIT dude would be blown away and goes like who tha fcuk this guy is. There are amazing licks... that's one of the reasons chicks love bands? Is Satchel's character literary Russ' alter ego? As long as i know, he is one of the humblest guitar players, not just rolling on the highs (of his guitar knobs). Let's raise a shocker in the air to celebrate legendary Michael Starr! He IS a real person on Sunset Strip \n//
Welcome to Russ Parrish approved unofficial fan-vids page. Fan-vids are awesome always! I've been to SP show about 666 times now. I dig how they have been enhanced their talents by the main man, Satchel's improvisation skill. I would say their show is in a theatrical esque rather calling them one of the cheesiest Hair Metal tributes in Tinseltown.
sTEELpANTHER101 hasn't missed any months or any seasons during their 1st residency at the Key Club. What a whole effin’ year of metal moments!!
If you take a look at the home video linked below, (it’s gone somehow) even a GIT dude would be blown away and goes like who tha fcuk this guy is. There are amazing licks... that's one of the reasons chicks love bands? Is Satchel's character literary Russ' alter ego? As long as i know, he is one of the humblest guitar players, not just rolling on the highs (of his guitar knobs). Let's raise a shocker in the air to celebrate legendary Michael Starr! He IS a real person on Sunset Strip \n//