Hi! I support people’s YouTube channels and I actually and also test some stuff to help people not get scammed
And I have a Roblox acc and the user is Aurora_Dawns001 so feel free to friend me! Also if you see me saying rude stuff about vids check their other vids because if I comment on them and say nice things they are my friends if you want to see some of their YouTube channels then it’s syd_ramenqueen and YapchinoCaythe2nd the rest of the channels is private because some of their vids are embarrassing and they don’t want y’all to see it even tho they posted it
I do not support YouTubers that disrespect any part of my religion but I’m not gonna say it for privacy reasons
Also if you see me being rude to other peoples vids and they are not my friends then they are probably my enemy or they disrespected my religion
Thank you for reading this! And now you know me a little!