Hello our comrades! I am P.U.B Mapper, also known as The People's Union of Britain Mapper.
The People's Union of Britain is an Alternate Future Country which started as an uprising in Wales and then into a Faction of the British Civil War and soon into an Equal, United and Patriotic Country of Britain with its goal to spread it around the World.
The People's Union of Britain is from an alt future Timeline called "The Union Of Order" which I am the creator of this timelime. This timeline is also known as The P.U.B Timeline due to the influence of Britain and the P.U.B being the main nation of this timeline.
My channel is not used to spread hatred towards any nation or governments or to spread war. My channel is used for entertainment purposes. And I don't want the P.U.B flag or Ideology to be present in Protests, riots and rallies since I believe the P.U.B should just stay as a Country of an Alternate Timeline.