Judy Torel has helped countless women and men of all ages lose weight, get fit, improve health conditions, and look breathtaking through modifications to lifestyle habits. For the past 10 years she has specialized in the over 50 stage of life.
Judy is a NBC-HWC Health Coach, PN Certified Nutrition Coach, ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist, Masters Degreed in Counseling Psychology in which she specialized in addictions and is currently pursing a PhD in Lifestyle Medicine through Lifestyle Prescriptions University.
She has 42 years' experience in the fitness industry and owned a gym for 20 years. She is a 12x Ironman Triathlete and qualified for World Championship in Kona for 2025. She authored the book Think This Not That: Reprogram Your Mind for Weight Loss, is a public speaker and is currently 61 years old.
She has helped thousands of people achieve their personal body goals and is passionate about changing the paradigm of health, vitality and looking fabulous as we age ❤️