Having travelled the breadth of the globe as the acclaimed collective The Young Folk, Anthony Furey and Paul Butler continue their musical journey under the name Elgin, a natural progression and represents a new direction for the band.
Whilst still centered around the key contributing members of The Young Folk, Elgin gives them the freedom to play different instruments, to untangle themselves from the steady rotation of band members and get back to the simplicity of a duo, just like in was in the beginning.
“You can be any age with it,” says Antony. “And you can play in any style you like and write lyrics about any subject under the sun.”
Their first single ‘Cherry Picked’ will release February 2021 - a beautiful atmospheric indie-folk track which incorporates lush guitars and synths alongside a bold brass section and decadent vocal harmonies to create a vast and expansive sound.
Having travelled the breadth of the globe as the acclaimed collective The Young Folk, Anthony Furey and Paul Butler continue their musical journey under the name Elgin, a natural progression and represents a new direction for the band.
Whilst still centered around the key contributing members of The Young Folk, Elgin gives them the freedom to play different instruments, to untangle themselves from the steady rotation of band members and get back to the simplicity of a duo, just like in was in the beginning.
“You can be any age with it,” says Antony. “And you can play in any style you like and write lyrics about any subject under the sun.”
Their first single ‘Cherry Picked’ will release February 2021 - a beautiful atmospheric indie-folk track which incorporates lush guitars and synths alongside a bold brass section and decadent vocal harmonies to create a vast and expansive sound.