Hello! I'm John Next!
An ordinary human being like you, but with a small difference!
I can divide my body and subconscious, and transfer them to other universes! Unfortunately, until today I haven't been able to have two different bodies in the same universe! I can control the actions of all my bodies in all universes, but to date I have not been able to have more than ten without losing control.
I know it sounds horrible, but this is natural, I can't turn it off and if I don't control them they could die from something simple like hunger if my subconscious doesn't feed their bodies.
It's my super power or my curse, whatever you want to call this anthill of my existence where my original subconscious and body are the king of many different John Next spread across different universes!
Current universe:
Pokémon Go - John Next's Pokémon adventure
If you like my adventures, subscribe to the channel! ;)
John Next (by AP)