Welcome to Core Exercise Solutions - a holistic approach to the human body backed by cutting-edge research and applied through practical assessments and exercises.
Led by Dr. Sarah E Duvall, PT, DPT, CPT & Dr. Anna Hammond, DPT, CSCS, our continuing education courses are designed to enhance the knowledge of health and fitness professionals on topics such as:
🔵 breathing
🔵 posture
🔵 diastasis
🔵 pelvic floor healing
🔵 hip impingement
🔵 anterior tilt
🔵 piriformis pain
🔵 glute medius strains
🔵 deep hip pain
🔵 outer hip pain
🔵 hip flexor tightness
& more.
Visit our website to learn more about our continuing education courses:
Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist Course: www.coreexercisesolutions.com/pces/
Pelvis Pro Course: www.coreexercisesolutions.com/pelvis-pro/