Welcome to Stitch and Crochet! I love embroidery and crochet and these are such a wonderful hobby. I created this channel to passing on my skill to others who are interested in this hobby but never had the idea where to start from. With hundreds of free online DIY learning videos, you will be confident enough to start your own projects. Whether you are beginner or expert there is something for everyone as the videos are not only for basics but also for new ideas.
I post videos in every week. Subscribe to my channel and keep the notification bell on so that you donât miss any of my videos. If my video helps you then donât forget to give it a like.
Also, like my Facebook and Instagram page to keep the conversation going.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/StitchAndCrochet
Instagram: www.instagram.com/stitch.and.crochet
Channel Link: youtube.com/stitchandcrochet