Hello there and welcome to JpG's channel. I have used Youtube for a while but it wasn't until recently that I started adding videos on a regular basis. I am a gamer and a graphic designer. I hail from Mexico and well, I like anything about the 80's and 90's.
Languages: English, spanish, japanese (novice)
Hobbies and likes: Gaming, beer, sports, wrestling, retro stuff, animation, Japan, movies, learning new languages, making new friends
Hello there and welcome to JpG's channel. I have used Youtube for a while but it wasn't until recently that I started adding videos on a regular basis. I am a gamer and a graphic designer. I hail from Mexico and well, I like anything about the 80's and 90's.
Languages: English, spanish, japanese (novice)
Hobbies and likes: Gaming, beer, sports, wrestling, retro stuff, animation, Japan, movies, learning new languages, making new friends