In 2018, the Happy On The Fly Youtube Channel was created by thirteen year old competitive fly fishing angler Carson, his eleven year old fly fishing little brother Wyatt, and their filmmaker/photographer/artist/ fly fishing father Paul. Our goal is to introduce kids and enthusiasts of all-ages to the sport of fly fishing. We look forward to sharing our fly fishing adventures, teaching beginners about fly fishing, passing on tips and techniques to the seasoned angler, and promoting families to enjoy the outdoors.
In 2018, the Happy On The Fly Youtube Channel was created by thirteen year old competitive fly fishing angler Carson, his eleven year old fly fishing little brother Wyatt, and their filmmaker/photographer/artist/ fly fishing father Paul. Our goal is to introduce kids and enthusiasts of all-ages to the sport of fly fishing. We look forward to sharing our fly fishing adventures, teaching beginners about fly fishing, passing on tips and techniques to the seasoned angler, and promoting families to enjoy the outdoors.