Some short films of me pursuing the sport I fell hopelessly in love with as an eight year old boy when I caught my first atlantic salmon on a fly. I don't suppose I knew then that it was to be the start of a lifetime's obsession with a fish that I consider to be the most incredible creature on our planet.
Since the beginning I've kept detailed written & photographic diaries to record all of my fly fishing adventures, however successful or not they may have been!. These are now treasured possessions, documenting many hundreds of happy days spent exploring Scotland's rivers and lochs with a fly rod. The videos here are principally intended to supplement those diaries as a reminder for me of some of the days I've spent doing what I love - namely the most fascinating, exhilarating and challenging pastime I could ever wish for. If (as I hope they do) these films bring a little enjoyment to others then they will have accomplished everything they were intended to.