For some, the outdoor pursuits of hunting, fishing, and foraging are more than just pastimes or hobbies. They are a lifeline deep-rooted in the blood and passed down for generations. They are the foundation of what I refer to as The 5 F's of Life--Family, Faith, Fun, Fitness, & Freedom.
My name is Rob Wrona, and with more than 4 decades of endless fascination with the outdoors, wild-living has taught me that consistent and continual "quality improvement" is necessary for our personal growth. Wrona's Wild Cure was created in 2021 in the aftermath of the coronavirus, at a time when we were told, "stay inside because 'the rona' (short for corona) could take you down." The truth is, we were not made to live in boxes, and the solution to "THE RONA" is not to stay inside, but to get outside. The cure to life's pressures is not to isolate ourselves to the confines of concrete, but to immerse ourselves in the wild abundance of God's green earth. It's the wild cure--Wrona's Wild Cure.