The BeGlad Movement is a space to share stories of good coming out of bad and reasons to BeGlad! It was set up by Pollyanna Charnley, who was named after the book and film Pollyanna where the little girl plays the glad game. When Pollyanna was growing up, if anything ever went wrong, her mum used to tell her to play the glad game and think of all the good things that were in her life. Americans often think of Pollyanna as a name for someone who is too optimistic however she really was someone who made choices, she looked for things to be grateful for! Mindfulness is not that new really we are only just beginning to realise how much we need to look after our mental health and well being. Pollyanna is a mum of one, a listening volunteer for the Samaritans, a mentor for the Prince's Trust, a coach and lover of art and design. You can craft your own life and choose what you focus on. Shit happens but you don't have to wallow in it!