You like Cartoons? Memes? What ever is in this channel? Well then you're goin' to love this poor excuse to be someone on the internet. Or hate it. I don't f*ckin' care.
I make 10/10 content for fun, i do not work for Youtube (It's just a Hobbie)
Greatest achiviments:
69 Subscribers: ??/9/23
100 Subscribers: 20/11/23
150 Subscribers: 19/11/23
200 Subscribers: 18/06/24
250 Subscribers: 07/09/24
300 Subscribers: 24/10/24
350 Subscribers 22/11/24
400 Subscribers 24/11/24
420 Subscribers 27/11/24
450 Subscribers 09/12/24
500 Subscribers 29/12/24
550 Subscribers 09/02/25