There's Treasure Inside: Get the latest news, theories, clues, and resources to aid your treasure hunt. Theres Treasure Inside is a book by Jon Collins-Black who is a treasure hunter himself and decided to create his own large scale treasure hunt all across the United States. Inspired by Forrest Fenn, Collins has hidden 5 treasure boxes throughout the US and written the book to give us clues on how to find them. I am personally focusing on the Appalachian Trail Footpath box, but will have content for The Lions Share, The Forrest Fenn Box, The Past and Future Box, and The Pokemon Box as well. I continue to crowdsourcie clues, ideas, and hints from multiple web sources including Discord, Reddit, FaceBook, Youtube, etc. There's a lot of duplication across platforms of the same questions and theories, and new people joining every day. So if you want to get up to speed (ITS NOT TOO LATE!) or explore new options this is a good place to start. Don't forget to subscribe!