(er/ihn, él/ellos, αύτός/αυτόν pronouns, respectively <3)
i study german, spanish, greek, + japanese, so if you speak any of those, i'd enjoy practicing translating your comments :]
this channel is a safe space for marginalized people of all sorts. Disabled people, Poc, religious minorities, GSRMs, women... the only people who aren't welcome here are bigots. I do not tolerate bigots in any capacity. if you leave bigoted comments, you will either be deleted or relentlessly cyberbullied, whichever i feel like doing. i do appreciate constructive criticism tho. if you're chill like that, welcome to my page, and much love✌
loserboy queer himbo music for people who dig that. i like to think im folk punk, but thats up for debate, lmao. im just some ancom rat of a dude making music and rambling into the all-knowing e-void and i love that for me