The Basque Country in video. Euskadi on Youtube. Exclusive videos from the Basque Country. Tourism in the Basque Country. Situated in the extreme South-West of France, the French Pays Basque is part of the âdĂ©partmentâ of the PyrĂ©nĂ©es Atlantiques.
In Spain, the Basque Country on the south side is made up of 4 other provinces, which grouped together with the north side in France, forms the Basque Country whole.
Euskal Herria bideoan Youtuben. Ezagutu Euskal Herriko HD eta 4Kko bideo esklusiboak. Surfa eta Turismoa, Angelutik Bilbora.
Le Pays Basque en vidéo sur Youtube. Découvrez des vidéos exclusives en HD et 4K du Pays Basque. Surf et Tourisme, de Anglet à Bilbao
El PaĂs Vasco en vĂdeo. El PaĂs Vasco en Youtube. VĂdeos exclusivos de Euskadi.
© Euskadi 24 Television | web TV Basque Country / HD et 4K