Antonio Ford (Born April 25, 1998), Known Professionally as Antonio Ford, Antonio Ford is an American Rapper, Singer, songwriter, and Co CEO of Young N Focused Records His Career Began in 2016 at the age of 18. From The Age Of 18-20 Antonio Ford was an Independent Artist before meeting up with Jamel Morgan in 2017 for their Hit Song ”Do U Love Me” Then they went on to Create Young N Focused Records In 2018.
Antonio Ford (Born April 25, 1998), Known Professionally as Antonio Ford, Antonio Ford is an American Rapper, Singer, songwriter, and Co CEO of Young N Focused Records His Career Began in 2016 at the age of 18. From The Age Of 18-20 Antonio Ford was an Independent Artist before meeting up with Jamel Morgan in 2017 for their Hit Song ”Do U Love Me” Then they went on to Create Young N Focused Records In 2018.