Editing songs so that they are squeaky "clean". If you want a song turned "clean" message me.
I'm linking my Charity: Water account here! Feel free to donate if you feel my job of cleaning music has helped you in any :) Help me by helping others!
Link: www.charitywater.org/squeaky-clean-1
I've got another channel, there I talk about school stuff and personal life things. Check it out if you are curious and subscribe over there! :D
Stay squeaky clean folks. :)
Editing songs so that they are squeaky "clean". If you want a song turned "clean" message me.
I'm linking my Charity: Water account here! Feel free to donate if you feel my job of cleaning music has helped you in any :) Help me by helping others!
Link: www.charitywater.org/squeaky-clean-1
I've got another channel, there I talk about school stuff and personal life things. Check it out if you are curious and subscribe over there! :D
Stay squeaky clean folks. :)