#MyDocumentary #MyDreamsAndGoals. #Love #HappyMarriage #FunInMarriage #PositiveAndHappyHopes
#PositiveExpectations #PositiveAttitudeToInLife
#LookingAtLifeWithPinkGlasses #RealityShow #Шок, #Трeш, #Скандалы и #Позитив. #ДокументальныйФильм #РеальнаяЖизнь и #Шоу.
#Shock, #Trash, #Scandals, and #PositivesInLife. #DocumentaryAndRealityShow, #SomeFun.
Hello, #Happiness comes from within and it consists of little things. Let's try to stay positive, choose to be happy with what we already are blessed with by God, our good fortune and our Universe. Let's concentrate on all the positive and happy aspects of our life in a positive and grateful way and try our best to achieve all our goals & dreams and become and stay the best version of ourselves.
My channel is about my life and sometimes I am observing other bloggers always in a positive respectful way and noticing all the positives about them.
My Instagram: daviessvetlana www.instagram.com/daviessvetlana/?hl=en.