Chinese Donghua PV and Games CGI 3D Animation Short Films Mix clips Edit AMV DMV EDM Recommend.
本频道没有开任何收益. 广告出现是因为使用的音乐版权导致的。
Non-profit in this channel. The ads caused by the music copyrights
8sian Media Network is a stupid company
Any questions about Chinese animation and games are welcome on my channel. I will try my best to give the answer.
【English translation in CC Sub now】
Click Subtitles/CC in the Settings pop-up. This will open a list of the subtitle for this video.
❤️ Youtube has the Auto translate Subtitle for other countries in PC media Player
1. Cleck in the right down button 'CC' or 'setting' → 2. CC/Subtitle list → 3. Auto-transtlae →4. Choose your language in the open list