Chartered by the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Council in 1970
Member of the American Indian Higher Education Consortium
Accredited by North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
Sinte Gleska University was founded in 1970 by the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Wakicunza (Council), and opened it's doors in 1971. Founded on the belief that
tribal people needed higher education that was both accessible and relevant, tribal community members worked to create a college that would allow Lakota people to gain a quality education in a way that supported and enhanced tribal cultural life.
Sinte Gleska University was named for Chief Spotted Tail (Sinte Gleska), recognized by the U.S. government as the last chief of the Sicangu Lakota Nation.SGU was the first tribal college to gain accreditation at both the baccalaureate and masters' degree levels,and continues to lead tribal colleges throughout the nation.
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