Universe mythology is fact of universe, myth, fact of history, fact what is in nature : God and Goddess, Alien, Robotic , Blueterrant, Azlan, Atlantis , Lemurian, Anunnaki, Jinn, Genie, Dragon, Life Force, etheric, ghost, ORBS, hell, heaven, the truth that people never tell you. Whose is in the moon, sun, star, galactic, layers of sky, sky, river, sea and human or creature evolution. When you like to access infinity knowledge means you already able to handle yourself , help your parents, grow small tree around us, 'right? Mitologi Semesta adalah fakta alam semesta fakta sejarah : hantu , sukma. Arwah, ORBS, Lemurian, alien, Azlan, Atlantis, dewa-dewi, blueterrant,surga, neraka, dll kebenaran yang tak pernah diceritakan orang padamu. Siapa di bulan, bintang, galaktic, sungai, laut, langit, lapisan langit dan evolusi mahluk atau manusia. Bila ingin menjelajahi pengetahuan kemahaan berarti anda sudah bisa menguasai diri, menolong orangtua dan tanam bibit pohon kan? 👍🏿 🙏