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Grahn Zhwak

3.2K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Be like a flowing river, silent in the night. Be not afrai


Be like a flowing river,
silent in the night.
Be not afraid of the dark.
If there r stars n the sky, reflect them back.
And if there are clouds in the sky,
Remember, clouds, like the river, are water,
so reflect them too,
In your own tranquil depths.

In the hand of the Saki are wines one of laughter one of tears.
I am holding an empty cup hoping for your generosity.
0 Saki give me which ever you like but give it to me with a smile.
I am a madman and care nothing for tears or laughter.
But, Oh, please dont send me away thirsty, From the wine-house of your love.
Ghani Khan

سحرګه وه د نرګس لیمه ﻻنده
څاڅکی څاڅکی یی له سترګو څڅیده
ما وی څه دی ښکلی ګله ولی ژاړی؟
ده وی ژوند می دی یوه خوله خندیده