Assalam U Alikum Everyone ,
this is islamic channel and we upload own recorded videos bayanat naat etc day by day so subscribe the channel for new update thanks ,
And we can't upload any copyright materials if any one any complain so they can easily contact with me with my number
03015900630 Mufti Iftikhar Ali Shabqadar
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Mufti Iftikhar Ali Shabqadar
Assalam U Alikum Everyone ,
this is islamic channel and we upload own recorded videos bayanat naat etc day by day so subscribe the channel for new update thanks ,
And we can't upload any copyright materials if any one any complain so they can easily contact with me with my number
03015900630 Mufti Iftikhar Ali Shabqadar
WhatsApp No
Facebook Page
Mufti Iftikhar Ali Shabqadar