AlienProduce® official channel since 2007
The one and only channel of knowledge, preparation & survival skills in the Greek prepper community,
which aims to provide knowledge without any profit or benefit.
All people should have the right to freedom of access to knowledge,
which can be useful at some point in our lives as well as life-saving.
Either for us, or for our fellow human beings...
"Prepare for the worst, hope for the best"
The individual cognitive preparation of each person is an obligation towards his family, his group, the whole of the society in which he lives and finally for his own interest and personal safety.
Photographer & Video Producer
Mountain Survival Instructor
Technical Climbing - Climbing Instructor
Mountain guide
First Aid Responder
PHTLS certificate
Special Forces NCO - Parachutist & Military Outboard Operator / Hellenic Army.
Michael S. / AlienProduce®