Most of my content centers around politics from a Libertarian/Paleo-Conservative hybrid position comparable to the libertarian wing of the Republican Party, though I've only occasionally backed Republican candidates and hold to viewpoints that put me in the Anti-Federalist camp (dissent against how the U.S. was constituted). I do cover other topics occasionally
I'm a Reformed Presbyterian (Covenanted) and have fully adopted the Westminster Confession and Catechisms as my rule of faith, though I came from an Anglican/Roman Catholic hybrid family and have read many works from theologians in both churches, namely those that lean towards a Reformed position such as Augustine of Hippo, Ambrose, Anselm, Thomas Aquinas, Bishop Cornelius Jansen, Pasquier Quesnel, Blaise Pascal, Antoine Arnauld, ect.
I'm a former skeptic who knows first hand how intellectually dishonest the New Atheist movement is in debate, so any atheistkult adherents are advised to seek amusement elsewhere.
Most of my content centers around politics from a Libertarian/Paleo-Conservative hybrid position comparable to the libertarian wing of the Republican Party, though I've only occasionally backed Republican candidates and hold to viewpoints that put me in the Anti-Federalist camp (dissent against how the U.S. was constituted). I do cover other topics occasionally
I'm a Reformed Presbyterian (Covenanted) and have fully adopted the Westminster Confession and Catechisms as my rule of faith, though I came from an Anglican/Roman Catholic hybrid family and have read many works from theologians in both churches, namely those that lean towards a Reformed position such as Augustine of Hippo, Ambrose, Anselm, Thomas Aquinas, Bishop Cornelius Jansen, Pasquier Quesnel, Blaise Pascal, Antoine Arnauld, ect.
I'm a former skeptic who knows first hand how intellectually dishonest the New Atheist movement is in debate, so any atheistkult adherents are advised to seek amusement elsewhere.