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3.9K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Most of my content centers around politics from a Libertaria


Most of my content centers around politics from a Libertarian/Paleo-Conservative hybrid position comparable to the libertarian wing of the Republican Party, though I've only occasionally backed Republican candidates and hold to viewpoints that put me in the Anti-Federalist camp (dissent against how the U.S. was constituted). I do cover other topics occasionally

I'm a Reformed Presbyterian (Covenanted) and have fully adopted the Westminster Confession and Catechisms as my rule of faith, though I came from an Anglican/Roman Catholic hybrid family and have read many works from theologians in both churches, namely those that lean towards a Reformed position such as Augustine of Hippo, Ambrose, Anselm, Thomas Aquinas, Bishop Cornelius Jansen, Pasquier Quesnel, Blaise Pascal, Antoine Arnauld, ect.

I'm a former skeptic who knows first hand how intellectually dishonest the New Atheist movement is in debate, so any atheistkult adherents are advised to seek amusement elsewhere.